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Passive House – the next decade

This article is an based on the paper “Passive House - the next decade” presented at the 18th International Passive House Conference 2014 in Aachen. The original article is availabe in the conference proceedings [Feist 2014].

Efficiency Criteria

Major changes in the energy supply structure over the next few years will lead to constantly changing primary energy factors. For that reason alone, the frequently used nonrenewable primary energy demand will no longer be suitable for assessing buildings' energy efficiency.

In order to determine a new measurement of efficiency that will serve its purpose for a longer time, this investigation is based on the following:

1. A complete transition to renewable energy supply is assumed (could occur by 2060). Buildings constructed or renovated today will use this supply structure for the majority of their lifecyles.

2. The use of renewable energy sources that will be sustainably available for the long term – photovoltaics, wind energy, hydropower, and sustainable biomass (waste) – is assumed. These technologies are already developed and available and are especially well suited to creating a completely sustainable energy supply [Welter 2012], as the present study confirms. This type of energy generation has become increasingly affordable and will be available at very reasonable prices by 2020. At least initially, however, energy costs will not drop below today's (2013).1)

3. Differences between renewables and conventional energy systems include the following:

To solve the first issue in point 3 (production dependent on weather), a two-step storage concept is recommended:

Read more (subchapters)

Passive House – the next decade | Methodology

Passive House – the next decade | Example: Overall power provision for a Passive House

Passive House – the next decade | Determining application-specific PER factors

Passive House – the next decade | Initial comparisons based on the analysis

Consequences and outlook

Previous studies have shown that technology available today can be used in a highly efficient, completely renewable, and technically and economically reasonable regional energy supply, even in Central Europe. The transition will take a few years, since it must occur within the context of existing replacement and renovation cycles; otherwise, costs would be too high.

Parameter studies already conducted at various sites throughout Central Europe show that PER factors for the same applications differ only slightly. The differences are not much bigger for other sites in Europe (and even worldwide, except in the tropics). Based on the existing climate zone study ([Schnieders et al., 2012], see also [IPHT 2012]), PHI is cur­rently conducting a global study in order to determine the PER factors for all the PHPP climate datasets. Although the PER factors are quite similar, the average PV area needed to generate 1 MWh differs greatly from one location to the next, coming out to 10 m² in most of Germany, just 6.5 m² in Rom, 5.5 m² in San Francisco, and a mere 4.3 m² in the middle of the Sahara – but as much as 12 m² in Kiruna (Sweden) and Murmansk (Russia). All of these equivalent solar area figures are still within a range that is technically and eco­nomically feasible, meaning that (without consideration of regional availability of other primary renewable energy resources) PV can be used to supply Passive House buildings around the world. The necessary storage capacity and PER factors can be further decreased in the case of an interregional energy grid. The best solution here are high-voltage, direct-current transmission lines, since primary power generated in different locations could then come together on the grid. These kinds of solutions require a desire for fair international collaboration and would lead to better energy prices (especially in the winter), although they are not likely to go below the current price level in the foreseeable future.

Especially in light of a completely renewable energy supply in the future, the simulations run so far show that:


[AkkP 22] Lüftungsstrategien für den Sommer. / Summer ventilation strategies. Protokollband Nr. 22 des Arbeitskreises kostengünstige Passivhäuser / Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - Proceedings No. 22; Passive House Institute; Darmstadt 2003. (only available in German language)

[AkkP 31] Energieeffiziente Raumkühlung. / Energy efficient cooling. Protokollband Nr. 31 des Arbeitskreises kostengünstige Passivhäuser / Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - Proceedings No. 31; Passive House Institute; Darmstadt 2005 (only available in German language)

[AkkP 36] Heizung mit Biobrennstoffen für Passivhäuser. / Bio fuel heating in Passive Houses. Protokollband Nr. 36 des Arbeitskreises kostengünstige Passivhäuser / Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - Proceedings No. 36; Passive House Institute; Darmstadt 2007 (only available in German language)

[AkkP 41] Sommerverhalten von Nichtwohngebäuden im Passivhausstandard / Cooling in non-residential Passive House buildings. Protokollband Nr. 41 des Arbeitskreises kostengünstige Passivhäuser / Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - Proceedings No. 41; Passive House Institute; Darmstadt 2012 (only available in German language)

[AkkP 42] Feist, W. und Ebel, W.: Ökonomische Bewertung von Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen. Protokollband zur 42. Sitzung des Arbeitskreises kostengünstige Passivhäuser / Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - Proceedings No. 42; Passive House Institute; Darmstadt 2013 (only available in German language)

[AkkP 46] Feist, W. und Krick, B.: Nachhaltige Energieversorgung mit Passivhäusern. / Passive House - Assuring a sustainable energy supply. Protokollband zur 46. Sitzung des Arbeitskreises kostengünstige Passivhäuser. / Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - Proceedings No. 46; Passive House Institute; Darmstadt 2012 (only available in German language)

[AkkP 49] Energieeffiziente Warmwassersysteme; Protokollband Nr. 49 des Arbeitskreises kostengünstige Passivhäuser / Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - Proceedings No. 49; Passive House Institute; Darmstadt 2014 (only available in German language)

[Feist 1997] Feist, W.: “Vergleich von Messung und Simulation”; Protokollband Nr. 5 des Arbeitskreises kostengünstige Passivhäuser / Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - Proceedings No. 5; Passive House Institute, Darmstadt 1997 (only available in German language)

[Feist 2013a] Feist, W.: “Passive House efficiency makes the energy revolution affordable”; Conference proceedings of the 17th International Passive House Conference; Passive House Institute, Darmstadt / Frankfurt 2013

[Feist 2013b] Feist, W.: “Energy concepts - the Passive House in comparison”; Conference proceedings of the 17th International Passive House Conference; Passive House Institute, Darmstadt / Frankfurt 2013

[Feist 2014] Feist, W.: “Passive House – the next decade.” In: Feist, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): Tagungsband zur 18. Internationalen Passivhaustagung 2014 in Aachen. PHI Darmstadt 2014

[Feist 2014] Feist, W.: “Passive House is more… ”; Conference proceedings of the 18th International Passive House Conference; Passive House Institute, Darmstadt / Aachen 2014 (soon on Passipedia)

[IPHT 2012] Conference proceedings of the 16th International Passive House Conference; Passive House Institute, Hannover / Darmstadt 2012

[Kaufmann/ Feist 2001] Kaufmann, B. und Feist, W.: “Vergleich von Messung und Simulation am Beispiel eines Passivhauses in Hannover-Kronsberg”, Stadtwerke Hannover, Juni 2001. (only available in German language)

[Kaufmann 2012] Kaufmann, B.: “Bewertung leitungsgebundener Energieträger: Wärmeverteilverluste von Fern/Nahwärmenetzen Szenarien für die optimierte Fernwärmenutzung aus KWK”; Protokollband zur 46. Sitzung des Arbeitskreises kostengünstige Passivhäuser / Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - Proceedings No. 46; Passive House Institute; Darmstadt 2012 (only available in German language)

[Krick 2012] Krick, B.: “Zur künftigen Bewertung des Energiebedarfs von Passivhäusern”; Protokollband zur 46. Sitzung des Arbeitskreises kostengünstige Passivhäuser / Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - Proceedings No. 46; Passive House Institute; Darmstadt 2012 (only available in German language)

[Nitsch 2012] Nitsch, J. et al: Langfristszenarien und Strategien für den Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland bei Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung in Europa und global, Stuttgart 2012

[Peper/Feist 2001] Peper, S.; Feist, W.; Kah, O.: “Messtechnische Untersuchung und Auswertung – Klimaneutrale Passivhaussiedlung Hannover-Kronsberg”, Passive House Institute, Hannover 2001. (only available in German language)

[PHPP] Feist, W., Schnieders, J. et al.: PHPP Passive House Planning Package, Passive House Institute; Darmstadt 1998-2014

[Schnieders 2012] Schnieders, J.; Feist, W. et al: “Passive Houses for Different Climate Zones”. Passive House Institute; Darmstadt; May 2012

[Vallentin 2011] Vallentin, R.: “Energieeffizienter Städtebau mit Passivhäusern – Begründung belastbarer Klimaschutzstandards im Wohnungsbau” Dissertation TU, München, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 2011

[Welter 2012] Welter, P. “Vollversorgung mit Sonne und Wind bis 2030”, Photon Oktober 2012

See also

Primary Energy Renewable PER - Passipedia Landing Page

List of all released conference proceedings of the 18th International Passive House Conference 2014 in Aachen

Conference Proceedings of the 18th International Passive House Conference 2014 in Aachen

The current (mostly political) discussion about the supposedly “excessively high costs” of the energy transition are based on a number of incorrect conditions. However, the belief that energy will be “extremely cheap in the future” also lacks a realistic basis. Efficient systems are already a financially attractive alternative to today's mostly fossil-based supply (see [AkkP 42] and [Feist 2014a].