Table of Contents

Criteria for buildings in other languages

The official building certification criteria are published in German, English andSpanish language by the Passive House Institute. However, translations by various partners and Passive House organisations worldwide exist.

These may be of use for your local promotion of the Passive House concept but please note that they are for information only and not binding.

If you wish to translate building certification criteria into your language, please contact the Passive House Institute. You will then receive a guideline for the translation.


Válido a partir de PHPP 10 (2023):
Certification criteria in Spanish

válido para PHPP 9 (2015):
Criterios para estandares de edificios, Passivhaus Institut

Translation from partners and Passive House Organization


Valid for PHPP 7 (2012):
Residential in Bulgarian
Non-residential in Bulgarian
EnerPHit in Bulgarian


Valid for PHPP 9 (2015): Certification criteria in Chinese


Valid for PHPP 9 (2015): Certification criteria in Danish


Valid for PHPP 9 (2015): Certification criteria in French


Valid for PHPP 9 (2015): Certification criteria in Greek


Valid for PHPP 9 (2015): Certification criteria in Hindi


Valid for PHPP 8 (2014): Residential in Italian

Valid from PHPP 9 (2015) onwards: Certification criteria in Italian


Valid from PHPP 9 (2015): Certification criteria in Slovakian


Válido a partir de PHPP 10 (2023):
Certification criteria in Spanish

válido para PHPP 9 (2015):
Criterios para estandares de edificios, Passivhaus Institut


Valid from PHPP 9 (2015): Certification criteria in Swedish


Valid for PHPP 9 (2015): Certification criteria in Turkish

See also

Accredited Building Certifier

Building Certification